How to deal with a girl that loves you but you don't feel same towards her

11 answers
  • Honesty
    1 month
  • tell the truth^^ be honest with her and reject her nicely like a true man yk.
    1 month
  • Say with respect but without any trace of hope in your voice or facial expression.
    1 month
  • go away
    1 month
  • Better to let her go and say it frankly
    1 month
  • Be a man enough to tell her straight, other way round ghosting - very common and trending lol
    1 month
  • Guys i already did that and i told her we can be only friends but she still trying with me and i don't wanna hurt her
    1 month
  • You did the right thing, but have an open heart and an open mind. Investing in a friend is always a good thing.
    1 month
  • Set bear traps around your house
    1 month
  • Ignore her
    1 month
  • if you don't wanna hurt her, and you wanna be her friend though, then you owe it to her to at least have a try at being her lover
    6 days

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