How you cope your misery

15 answers
  • Just try to keep smiling
    3 months
  • I read my Bible. That helps me realize this life isn't that important. I concentrate on eternal things.
    3 months
  • You just got to accept that some things are just reality.
    3 months
  • Cigarette and Beer
    3 months
  • I read or mediate ommmm
    3 months
  • chat blunk for distraction
    3 months
  • Music is good for the soul. If that doesn’t work, drown it with alcohol
    3 months
  • What are you doing if you are lonely in the silence of the night
    3 months
  • I just try not to think about it and just keep going.
    3 months
  • Doodles to draw
    3 months
  • Singing in the shower
    2 months
  • Let it out. Cry. Romanticise the small things. Listen to music. Watch dramas. Or just allow urself to feel it and continue living...
    2 months
  • Sleep
    2 months
  • I force myself to look happy or good
    2 months
  • When I'm not happy or good
    2 months

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