It is possible to manage a long distance relationship

16 answers
  • Is anyone from nagpur or mumbai?
    2 months
  • Is that a question?... Coz I really want an answer, as I'm in the middle of that!!
    2 months
  • Long distance relationship might be hard but it is a matter of trust, loyalty and commitment of two person stay committed despite the distance.
    2 months
  • Yes, its possible. I know from experience
    2 months
  • It will not end up well eventually. Sooner or later one of you is going to want more.
    2 months
  • Wanna try?
    2 months
  • Depends on you.
    2 months
  • Sure, it's possible.
    2 months
  • It's not easy to sustain. That' true!
    2 months
  • That's the reason most of the people wouldn't sustain it.
    2 months
  • But if two people have that depth of love for each other and patience to put them there can be good probability, that those two people would sustain.
    2 months
  • And shape each other in a beautiful way.
    2 months
  • Yes it's possible but depends upon the two both must be true , honest and committed to each other then only it is possible
    2 months
  • It's really tough but you can do it if you both commit, need communication and have to be very honest
    2 months
  • It is possible. Just know it can be very hard and painful. You miss your partner dearly, especially if u meet in person then have to go back home
    2 months
  • Depends on your capacity and personality
    2 months

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