What are 3 things you cannot live without?

18 answers
  • Obviously Oxygen,water, food
    1 week
  • Mom,good health,self love
    1 week
  • Mom dad son
    1 week
  • Food,Health,Family
    1 week
  • I think there's more than 3 Stephen that I need. But food water and Bible are 3 of them.
    1 week
  • Oxygen, water and food
    1 week
  • Heart, lungs, blood.
    1 week
  • "Roti, kapda, makaan".
    1 week
  • Cellphone, food, money
    1 week
  • hey
    1 week
  • Bible, Money, Family Oxygen, Foods and Waters also phones .
    1 week
  • It not easy to pick 3 things .
    1 week
  • Warmth, Dreams and Fun
    6 days
  • Men, video games and sushi
    6 days
  • Food,house and money
    5 days
  • God, Jesus, Holy spirit..
    5 days
  • My heart, food, my bsf
    4 days
  • brainrot terms, my jawline, and family
    2 days

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