What do you usually have for breakfast?

20 answers
  • I drink a soda, dip some snuff. I don't eat breakfast. I never eat until at least 3pm.
    3 months
  • Kellogs, grilled cheese usually smh with bread
    3 months
  • Milk with cereals and crackers with fruit jam or peanut butter
    3 months
  • Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.
    2 months
  • cookies
    2 months
  • A cup of Coffee, bread and fried eggs.
    2 months
  • 2 eggs fried with bacon and toast with coffee
    2 months
  • Coffee,pancakes,eggs,bacon
    2 months
  • Fried rice, eggs, bacon or tapa and coffee
    2 months
  • Coffee, bread and butter
    2 months
  • A girl
    2 months
  • Depends on my mood, normally vegan or vegetarian breakfast ☕
    2 months
  • Ice
    2 months
  • and
    2 months
  • Belgian Waffle
    2 months
  • Cereal... Something hearty and fibre based to keep me regular
    2 months
  • Coffee and chocolate
    2 months
  • The important meal in a day there should be the three component power energy food, carb, fiber and minerals.
    2 months
  • Scrambled Egg
    2 months
  • you
    1 month

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