What makes you happy ?

14 answers
  • My faith is my anchor. Animals, good music, and spending time outdoors help too.
    3 months
  • spending time with friends and family
    3 months
  • Receiving messages from my favourite person
    3 months
  • MONEY makes the world go rounddddddd
    3 months
  • Been with my family and friends
    3 months
  • Not seeking happiness!
    3 months
  • Giving my all to the world even if they can't take it.
    3 months
  • A yummy breakfast & coffee then Im good
    3 months
  • When i don’t have to die and be young forever
    3 months
  • Being kind.....and spending time with my family!!!!!and Reading......my idea of heaven is a library.....I'm a right book 📚 worm hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣
    3 months
  • All the lil things
    2 months
  • playing sports
    2 months
  • Jesus
    2 months
  • Laughter
    1 month

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