What is your goal in future?

14 answers
  • Web developer is my dream
    3 months
  • Rich
    3 months
  • still figuring out
    3 months
  • Rule No 127: don't tell about your goals to the others
    3 months
  • Financial freedom
    3 months
  • Having a judge budget , finish my new home , and open my own business
    3 months
  • turn my active income into a passive income
    3 months
  • Having a Lotta money lol
    3 months
  • Probably having my own business company owned
    3 months
  • To get married one day!!!!!!......before I'm too old in the tooth.....and when I get the time!!!!!
    3 months
  • To become a billionaire and marry a prince πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    3 months
  • A mansion full of cats
    2 months
  • Jesus decides my future so I'll go with it
    2 months
  • @Diamond Amen
    1 month

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