What's the secret in a long distance relationship?

32 answers
  • There is non, I think that a long distance relationship can't last sadly
    1 week
  • Patience, Trust and Understanding
    1 week
  • Loyalty and sharing video location to build the trust.
    1 week
  • Communication is most important. Just like in every other relationship. Trust will come with time.
    1 week
  • Me
    1 week
  • feeling
    1 week
  • I know many aspects of that and how it works, text me!
    1 week
  • Secret is to communicate a few times a day… if u can call in the morning and at night… then you should still be a big part of each others day
    1 week
  • Trust
    1 week
  • girl and boy keep backup in short distance
    1 week
  • Video calls
    1 week
  • Trust and showing you're still thinking about your partner
    1 week
  • Can't tell.. It's a secret.
    1 week
  • Can't tell cuz long distance rarely works
    1 week
  • Don't take it too seriously and have fun. Most important part.
    1 week
  • You have to keep the communication going and being honest is key too
    1 week
  • It works if both are honest, loyal and dedicated.
    1 week
  • Communication and Quality time , the rest will follow
    1 week
  • Trust 💗
    1 week
  • The secret is not letting you partner find out lmao
    1 week
  • There's no future in a long distance relationship. Best not to get too involved. Unless you like heartbreak.
    1 week
  • No secret don't last wrong partner
    1 week
  • Mutual delusion
    1 week
  • Trust and open communication.
    1 week
  • Respect and trust
    1 week
  • Money
    1 week
  • Move in with him relocate
    1 week
  • transparency, Loyality, trust and communication
    5 days
  • No secret it sucks and if you can get through it you can get through anything
    5 days
  • Loyalty, trust, sense of humor, respect and enough money to live
    5 days
  • Just dedication...
    4 days
  • Trust dedication
    3 days

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