What's your definition of beauty ?

11 answers
  • I think you both are beautiful inside and out 🤍
    3 months
  • Eye candy or just not hate to look at
    3 months
  • Strangely, death doesn't seem like it would be that bad
    3 months
  • To me beauty is when you look at something/one and it looked so perfect but most of all it gave you the feeling of peacefulness and satisfaction-
    3 months
  • also happiness thats beauty ~ 🤍
    3 months
  • beauty is not about outside look its all about beauty in inside which is a kindhearted
    3 months
  • I don't believe in conventional beauty ; "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"
    3 months
  • Mirror
    3 months
  • Kindness.
    3 months
  • Great smile and cheerful personality
    3 months
  • Hmm
    2 months

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