Ask Questions
Do u like it when people asking about u when u are not doing well or u don’t bcs u want to hide it?
What is your favorite smell that's not perfume.
ago, 0 answers -
If i am with you where you want to go? Long drive in a dark rainy night OR hiking in a snowy mountai
If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?
Do I look desperate just for confronting that person? ☹️
What would it take for people to fall for you 🤭
What's the most embarrassing thing happened to you?
Masculine god ago, 0 answers -
Why do most people remember the bad things you do to them more than the good things you do to them?
un poco loco ago, 1 answers -
What’s something random that instantly makes you smile—so I know exactly how to impress you?
If you discovered a new dinosaur what would you name it?
Do you have a good friend with whom you can share anything you want?
Indian Girl ago, 1 answers -
Is it okay to not be okay?
If someone offered you a box with everything you've ever lost, what's the first thing you're look
If you had a time machine what yr would you go back to and why?
dawg9 ago, 16 answers -
Majority of people like to be receivers instead of being givers n senders?
Zakarya ago, 12 answers -
If your ex finds another gf just to make you jelaus how would you react?
Luna ago, 26 answers -
What is your opinion about situationship?
What are some songs that make you cry?
donkus ago, 17 answers -
Do you ever think your face doesn't fit your personality like at all?
Lin ago, 10 answers -
What is your first best date idea?
HyperNova ago, 10 answers -
Why alwys do ghosting after a meet up ?
Axel ago, 11 answers -
How do you think phones affecting social activities these days
Cheese ago, 10 answers -
So, you're into someone who's not into you. How do you gracefully move on?
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go a