What’s one thing you’d change about yourself?

12 answers
  • I'm not very patient sometimes. I could use more patience.
    1 week
  • I feel I'm Too good to even those who don't deserve it. I would love to change that
    1 week
  • Sensitivity and caring too much about unnecessary things
    1 week
  • Giving people second chances
    1 week
  • My mistakes...💞
    1 week
  • To be more empathetic when chatting
    1 week
  • Having no heart to feel no thing
    1 week
  • Nothing
    1 week
  • Does sugar mom type thing really exist??
    1 week
  • my social status
    1 week
  • being nice and care to much
    1 week
  • Nothing
    4 days

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