Who is that person you miss (except your family) and what would you tell them right now?

14 answers
  • Well to be honest I miss certain pets who have passed away more than most people. My last pug was my shadow. I miss that.
    1 week
  • Pelle, pet alligator, He comes and goes I don't mind s
    1 week
  • Hey
    1 week
  • come back
    1 week
  • I miss Maverick Sam, Bond, Wahaj= 3 little monkeys dancing on my lap
    1 week
  • Moonbin. I miss you so much
    1 week
  • @Panda banned account ko eh.
    1 week
  • Why did you come into my life and disappear so quickly, more importantly why did I let you go.
    1 week
  • @Eureca same, btw i miss Haruto too :(
    1 week
  • tell eya i love her.
    6 days
  • Thank you fot all the nice time we spent together!💕
    6 days
  • College Psychology Teacher. She taught me how to be proud of myself. I'd tell her "I'm not quite there yet, working on it"
    6 days
  • fucking come back NOW!
    6 days
  • Vampire... I still love you dude
    6 days

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