Why are you the way that you are?

17 answers
  • I couldn't find Harley Quinn
    1 month
  • God made me that way. And living in this world for 50 years has had a hand in it too.
    1 month
  • Character development (✨ Trauma✨)
    1 month
  • Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
    1 month
  • we are made of all of our past experiences, good and bad.
    1 month
  • A cruel twist of fate, a victim of my circumstances, genetics, maybe I chose it
    1 month
  • It's not my fault, I swear!
    1 month
  • I'd take a step towards making it work with you if you took that step with me. :(
    1 month
  • Honesty,every time I try to do something fun or exciting,you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
    1 month
  • Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
    1 month
  • Nature and nurture like everyone else alive on earth
    1 month
  • Agree with Stephen on this one. It is the interaction between heredity and environment that is the most important factor in who we become.
    1 month
  • Worst decisions in life
    1 month
  • Cause I like acting silly :3
    1 month
  • Parents
    1 month
  • Blame a Narc Mom and a dad that was always away. Oh and ADHD
    1 week
  • There's more than one correct answer
    6 days

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