If you could teach me one life skill what it would be ?

16 answers
  • Manners
    1 week
  • How to cook
    1 week
  • Know how to cook, very well mannered
    1 week
  • Caring.....
    1 week
  • Being cool in every situation (eg: if you didn't prepared for your important exam)😜
    6 days
  • How to catch 🐸
    6 days
  • Perspective
    6 days
  • To be happy alone. Not being crazy but, its self love.
    6 days
  • Proper car maintenance
    6 days
  • guest in earth, funny answer considering u have chatblink
    6 days
  • How to love
    6 days
  • play piano (i think it is a lifeskill but you might not agree)
    6 days
  • How to read the fine print regarding your vehicles extended warranty.
    5 days
  • How to drive a car
    4 days
  • Acceptance, patience and kindness and how to keep asking questions
    4 days
  • Doing everything that ur guts tell you to do, leaving no regrets for later life. Im trying my best to follow my instinct.
    4 days

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