Should you give someone who's into you a chance if you're not that into them?

11 answers
  • Personaly, I think yes. These days many couples are together for the sake of it. So it ohe end it depends o
    1 week
  • *it won't be the worst thing u are doing. And everyone deserves a short at love.
    1 week
  • I did that and now I love her now too
    1 week
  • I did. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me~
    1 week
  • No. I mean if the connections not there why waste time with it? Be patient and wait for the right one. Some things you can't rush.
    1 week
  • No coz I don't want to hurt them at the end
    6 days
  • No and just be friends
    5 days
  • Sure why not. Never know if you get to know them more you may end up falling for them
    4 days
  • Yes everyone deserves a chance
    4 days
  • Sure
    3 days
  • Ya
    1 day

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