What are different ways of showing your love except saying I love you ?

20 answers
  • showing care and concern...... empathy........
    1 month
  • saying i hate you
    1 month
  • Teasing
    1 month
  • Send me chocolates, I'll communicate to them
    1 month
  • Treat her like queen
    1 month
  • Hugs, gifts, offer you help or company
    1 month
  • Loyalty.
    1 month
  • Give her a present and 🤑
    1 month
  • Cook for him
    1 month
  • Give quality time
    1 month
  • A gentle, loving touch
    1 month
  • Giving money
    1 month
  • Loving in silence
    1 month
  • words matches the actions
    1 month
  • Showing like you care and that you're the safest place on earth. 😉
    1 month
  • care n respect
    1 month
  • No lover
    1 month
  • Your answer in your Question,,,show your love ,, because word are not capable to express your true feelings for someone
    1 month
  • Travel together
    3 weeks
  • acts of service
    6 days

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