What makes a man more attractive?

25 answers
  • I want in a relationship some one who can sing clean and great with my niece and nephews and help mom in a wheelchair and can pay bills
    1 month
  • Because I love articles Because tha
    1 month
  • I'd say personality really
    1 month
  • Status in life
    1 month
  • When he walk the 🐶 and have a glasses ,have a sense of humor,plenty of money,good in bed and a good look sounds superficial right?
    1 month
  • Treats you as a woman who knows her worth
    1 month
  • if he's haruto:((
    1 month
  • @GuessWho, Mamo 😁👋🏻
    1 month
  • 100s times I would say it's look, cuz girls will do anything for attractive guys, they all actually lying when they say personality is matter ;)
    1 month
  • It's all about look bro
    1 month
  • Being honest
    1 month
  • His big bank balance
    1 month
  • Self confidence and how he carries him self and being kind to people without expecting anything in return
    1 month
  • Confidence. Be a confident man and you'll attract the right one. You won't have women flocking to you but odds are greater you'll find the one if
    1 month
  • You give off that aura of confidence.
    1 month
  • .
    1 month
  • Have sense of humor,confident and kindness.
    1 month
  • Ammmmm well dont look at me ....first of all i lost my head ....dont believe me just look at my profile pic and secondly am just here taking tips and
    1 month
  • learning lol ........
    1 month
  • How he carry a conversation and sense of humor.
    1 month
  • Money dude
    1 month
  • they need to be hairless and love to gamble 🤑
    1 month
  • Intelligence and sense of humor.
    1 month
  • Intelligence, sense of humor, neatness, kind, and a cat lover (fiction)
    1 month
    6 days

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