Do you think it’s more important to be successful or to be happy? Can they coexist logically?

9 answers
  • People won't let you stay happy without your success
    1 month
  • being successful gives happiness, thats how the world view
    1 month
  • Sometimes happiness matters a lot
    1 month
  • Be happy in what you do
    1 month
  • Simple is that ,,if you ask these type of Questions,,thant means you are not successful and also not happy ,,,wich mean you are confused
    1 month
  • If you become successful by doing something you love then yes they can coexist.
    1 month
  • I just have to keep them.
    3 weeks
  • Happy, is the most important thing!
    3 weeks
  • This depends on the degree of you want to achieve and have a clear goal of being successful. Both are achievable and can coexist at the same time
    2 weeks

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