Do you have a favorite book?

11 answers
  • No don't
    1 month
  • The holy Bible. 2 of my other favorites are The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and Rumble fish also by S.E. Hinton. Both books r good movies too
    1 month
  • Not a favorite book but pages, paragraphs or sentences from different books.
    1 month
  • Notes from the Underground, Doestoevskij
    1 month
  • Holy bible 💕✨
    1 month
  • yes facebook
    1 month
  • The Holy Bible and Pilgrims Progress. Also Little Women and the whole Anne of Green Gables series.
    1 month
  • Alias grace
    1 month
  • Dark moon
    4 weeks
  • Norwegian woods by Murakami
    2 weeks
  • the little prince
    6 days

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