What you do to feel human ?

21 answers
  • Nothing special. I'm human so I guess I feel human.
    1 month
  • Take a lovely evening stroll
    1 month
  • inhale o2 exhale co2
    1 month
  • Senpai using other platforms makes you feel less human?
    1 month
  • Cry in alone
    1 month
  • Honesty
    1 month
  • What else u feel other than human oh animal or vampire
    1 month
  • Vikas some ppl say they feel like dogs n I’m asking but you don’t answer you just tranna do a Drop process my question on me !
    1 month
  • Work, pay tax, pay bills.
    1 month
  • Rub one out and let the clarity kick in, then feel shameful for doing something unholy
    1 month
  • i just do my job
    1 month
  • Nothing you just feel it everyday
    1 month
  • Hello
    1 month
  • Pay karma
    1 month
  • Fée ur job being human ?
    1 month
  • look at mirror
    1 month
  • Get tattoos
    1 month
  • I'm not human
    1 month
  • srish_tea Even a plant 🌱 can do that
    4 weeks
  • Help the needy
    3 weeks
  • i dream
    6 days

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