Why it's difficult to connect with people that are different in culture and life style ?

15 answers
  • I just think different cultures look at life in many different ways. Even people from a different area of my own country it's hard to relate to.
    1 month
  • It’s not. If someone comes from a different angle I ask them about it. I connect with the spirit of a person.
    1 month
  • Just respect each others pov & get to know more & talk about it but don't force anything on the person. Respecting & understanding isn't thatdificult
    1 month
  • answered your own question
    1 month
  • Because of the differences lol
    1 month
  • Because its human nature for cultures to be prejudice to outsiders. Some just don't admit it.
    1 month
  • Because Your lifestyle doesn't reflect the same as another person
    1 month
  • Because we are all born in it and unique in a special differences we have to understand and respect each culture to connect with them
    1 month
  • its ur experience n assumption...not necessarily fits for everyone
    1 month
  • It depends on the people.
    1 month
  • We have an individual country culture and beliefs.
    1 month
  • Difference in values
    1 month
  • Because of judgment. I have noticed religious people are most judgmental.
    1 month
  • because of their belief
    1 month
  • August is very Exhausting 🙇
    1 month

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