If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

12 answers
  • Time manipulation and the rest uk
    1 month
  • Invisibility
    1 month
  • Invisibility.
    1 month
  • I would be able to see and control what everyone else’s see
    1 month
  • Acquire the knowledge of every one
    1 month
  • Teleportation
    1 month
  • Flying. Super fast like superman
    1 month
  • shapeshifting, but i need it forever bc my gender is like a sandal how it flip flops
    1 month
  • Teleportation. Want to visit dragonstone
    1 month
  • Able to leap small building in a single Bond
    1 month
  • Making leaves into money, dont ask why
    1 month
  • Travel across the time.. especially trough the past time.. because I'd like to know about my ancestors..
    6 days

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