What do u do to not feel lonely?

15 answers
  • chat with strangers and comment to strangers post
    1 month
  • Listen to music or play video games
    1 month
  • Same as ambivert's or annoy my friends
    1 month
  • Listening music and reading
    1 month
  • Either listening to music or maybe playing games
    1 month
  • Mediation
    1 month
  • Have a walk in quiet place and enjoy it
    1 month
  • avoid feel that
    1 month
  • I learn about myself. Whether it is by reading books or taking personality tests. Once I get to know myself I enjoy spending time with myself.
    1 month
  • Listen to music and eat and text
    1 month
  • Sleep lol
    4 weeks
  • Play guitar or keyboard.
    3 weeks
  • Reading books
    3 weeks
  • Just try forget it and do what you like to do
    3 weeks
  • keep taking challenges of any sort.
    3 weeks

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