What is your strangest habbit?

14 answers
  • Hand gestures every time I talk, dipping bread on ketchup and any pizza on soy sauce, etc. idk if these are strange tho
    1 month
  • Using ketchup on steak
    1 month
  • Talk to spirit
    1 month
  • Since everybody's talking food, sometimes I like mayonnaise on a hot dog.
    1 month
  • I have loads like nail biting, dipping fries in sundae, sniffing nail polish
    1 month
  • I dont know which is the strangest, so I enumerated πŸ˜‚
    1 month
  • going on here
    1 month
  • I like to draw something but then dunk it in water??? Idk why but ye and I have a habit of also whipping my nose?? I also don't know why I do that
    1 month
  • Pet caterpillars until they transform to butterfly
    1 month
  • changing channels on TV simultaneously πŸ₯΄
    4 weeks
  • wiping phone when back to home so now i dont carry my phone outside whenever possible.
    4 weeks
  • Spraying my body with perfume before I go to bed.
    4 weeks
  • My strangest habbit? Correcting spelling in posts and chats.
    3 weeks
  • Taking numerous personality tests
    3 weeks

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