What's the purpose of this site for you?

14 answers
  • Money Laundering
    1 month
  • Look for friends
    1 month
  • Too find friends and to have fun . interaction
    1 month
  • Friendship, language exchange
    1 month
  • to troll people
    1 month
  • Understand people's mindset
    1 month
  • intelligent conversation
    1 month
  • I try to look for friends
    1 month
  • dating 😁
    4 weeks
  • Waste time I guess?
    4 weeks
  • Fun
    4 weeks
  • Tio meet some friends
    4 weeks
  • Hitting people with a crowbar
    3 weeks
  • Waste some free time when I don't feel like doing anything else, find the occasional real person on here to chat wtih but that's rare.
    5 days

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